Thursday, October 16, 2008

McCain's Disinformation train

Look how sick the world is. OK here is the sound bite from FOX news:

Notice the setup Barak Hussein Obama What is wrong people? We are stuck missing the issues this makes me REALLY angry. Is there ANY correlation from this Senator to Saddam? NO NO NO none whatsoever. Wake up!

Now watch the full clip of the discussion:

Is there a difference in the two?


Please see it for what it is. LIES from McCain. I don't think Obama is the best man in the world, though I do think he is better than McCain, I think he is closer tied to the people of America than McCain. Go look at the records of both candidates and see for yourself.

McCain misses most votes. Look at the records and see...

McCain's Voting Record

Obama's Voting Record

The votes speak volumes over the rhetoric we have been witnessing. This is your opportunity to see for yourself the truth.

I rest my case.

Please comment.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Right from the dictionary:

Are we really that uneducated that we don't recognize from inference, the meaning of the word?

repudiate |riˈpyoōdēˌāt|
verb [ trans. ]
refuse to accept or be associated with : she has repudiated policies associated with previous party leaders.
• deny the truth or validity of : the minister repudiated allegations of human rights abuses.
• chiefly Law refuse to fulfill or discharge (an agreement, obligation, or debt) : breach of a condition gives the other party the right to repudiate a contract.
• (esp. in the past or in non-Christian religions) divorce (one's wife).
repudiation |riˌpyoōdēˈā sh ən| |rəˈpjudiˈeɪʃən| |riˈpjudiˈeɪʃən| |-ˈeɪʃ(ə)n| noun
repudiator |-ˌātər| |rəˈpjudiˈeɪdər| |riˈpjudiˈeɪdər| noun
ORIGIN late Middle English (originally an adjective in the sense [divorced] ): from Latin repudiatus ‘divorced, cast off,’ from repudium ‘divorce.’
USAGE See usage at refute.

Obama Tax Calculator

Obama Tax Calculator

What is it?

Obama Tax Calculator appears to be a "Tax cut" Calculator, there are many references, I found this one from Obama's Site this is the actual Obama Tax Cut Calculator

Here is my Obama Tax Calculator Finding

From The Obama web site his Tax policy is loosely laid out on the Obama Tax Page

Obama Tax Calculator 2 This one I found this Obama Tax Calculator that the creator of this Obama Tax Calculator stated that it was created based upon statements made publicly by the candidates.

Then there is a response to the Obama Proposal here.

The Obama Tax Calculator looks to me like a widget, I don't quite know the workings of the calculator but the Obama Tax Calculator says that I will get $500 back, does that mean that the Obama Tax Calculator is working properly?

All in all I would like the Obama Tax Calculator to deposit money into my bank account. Please comment and tell me what you think.

Dick Cheney in Hospital?

Dick Cheney Experienced an irregular heartbeat this morning.

Dick Cheney was supposed to go to a campaign even in Illinois that he canceled because of his irregular heart beat.

Dick Cheney appears to be in good health. He has left the hospital. He waved to news cameras as her entered his limousine. Sounds like the White House says he is going to be fine.

Hot Topics: Boss s Day 2008 - Boss Day - National Boss Day 2008

Hot Topics: Boss's Day 2008 - Boss Day - National Boss Day 2008

Former First Lady Nancy Reagan in Hospital

Nancy Reagan, 87 year old and former first lady Nancy Reagan was hospitalized today for fractures to her spine and hip due to a fall in her home that occurred some time last week. This information was provided by her spokeswoman.

Nancy Reagan who is the widow of the late president Ronald Reagan well know for championing "Just Say No" her anti-drug campaign in the early 80's.

Nancy Reagan was born Anne Frances Robbins, she was an actress throughout the 1940's and 1950's though prior to her marriage to former President and Governor of California Ronald Reagan her screen name was Nancy Davis.

Nancy Reagan was born in New York, but was raised in part by her Aunt and Uncle in Maryland. Her Mother was struggling actress, her father a used car salesman they divorced very soon after she was born.

Nancy Reagan Married Ronald Reagan in 1952 while he was the President of SAG (Screen Actors Guild). After his Presidency the couple retired in Bel Air California.

Nancy Reagan is still involved in politics with a heavy interest in Stem-Cell Research.

Boss s Day 2008 - Boss Day - National Boss Day 2008

Boss s Day October 16 2008 -

Boss Day or Bosses Day even National Boss Day is October 16th, and is a nationally observed day to recognize bosses everywhere.

The origin of Boss's Day or Bosses Day can be traced back to Patricia Bays Haroski who first registered "National Bosses Day" in 1958 with the United States Chamber of Commerce. Ironically it appears that her motive for Bosses Day involved some nepotism as she was her father's secretary at that time. Interestingly October 16 happened to coincide with her Boss (and fathers) birthday.

Bosses Day or National Boss Day has become more popular in recent years and Bosses day is now celebrated in many countries from not only the USA, but England, Australia, and even South Africa.

Silly Bosses Day Video from You Tube

Bosses Day Gitfts? This year it looks like the Federal Government is giving out some nice gifts to bosses on Bosses day. While not required you may want to do a little something for your boss this year on bosses day, though you will know whether he or she has been naughty or nice. Probably sending a free e card to your boss on bosses day would be appropriate and fitting. Though you may be a lucky duck who has a generous boss, in which case a lavish Gift Basket, or even a gift certificate from may be appropriate, in fact a little birdy told me that until 1pm today you can order your boss for boss's day a $25 gift card for for ONLY $2! you have to enter the promocode EIGHTY at checkout.

This Boss's Day do yourself a favor and get extra brownie points with the Boss, who knows maybe next year they will have been promoted, and they may just pick you to fill their old spot.